I washed the leaves and removed the stems. I tossed them in olive oil, salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese and spread them out on a cookie sheet.
The kale chips baked at 375 degrees for about 18 minutes, they get crispy and slightly brown on the edges when they are done. And they rocked! Of course paired with leftover eggplant, my dinner alone was awesome. I had some wine and ice cream later in the night. The fiance' was spending the evening with his buddies and their baseball draft, so I had the house to myself! Sometimes that's really nice....
As I ate my vegetarian dinner, I watched Julie & Julia. I HEART this movie! One of the best movies I have ever seen! I think I could watch it over and over and over. Love love love.
Come to think of it, I didn't eat meat at all yesterday. Sometimes I think meat eaters need a day or two of just veggies. I ended up having kale chips and eggplant again for lunch today, but the fiance' is making Cornish hens for dinner, so I'll be a carnivore today. And because the fiance' is feeling a little hungover today, he had McDonald's for lunch - I broke down and ordered a small Shamrock Shake. Holy yum. They are so good. I didn't drink the whole thing, there is still a little leftover in the fridge for tonight. That will make a nice dessert!
I've been obsessed with looking at wedding dresses online. I've made 3 appointments at 3 different boutiques for next week. Oh Lawd! Am I crazy? But I'm getting a little nervous because as of today - I'm getting married in exactly 6 months!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! However every dress that I look at, I compare to the one dress from last week. I have to comparison shop, but I can easily see myself going back to that dress for my wedding. :) Happy Sunday. Tata.
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