So, here it is, last night I left work a little late, stopped and picked up some wings for the fiance' and I to have for dinner. (We decided to wait on the steak for a Friday night date at home, with martinis of course) Well, I got stuck in massive traffic. I had a 6pm appointment at this place called Bridal Manor. By the time I drove all the way from work and sat in traffic, with my car smelling like chicken wings, the last thing I wanted to do was get naked in front of some stranger and try on a multitude of wedding dresses. But I went, reluctantly, after yelling at the fiance' and deciding I would just keep the wings in my car until the appointment was over because I didn't have time to run them home, lest I be late. Long story short, I tried on 15 dresses and the last one was a hit! I knew as soon as I put that baby on! I knew it was THE dress!!! So, my bad mood, my attitude, the anger from my car now smelling like chicken wings all just floated out the window! I wish I could post a picture, but HE might be reading.... And a WONDERFUL side note.... the dress is light years cheaper than the other dress that i was going to buy! I'm so glad that I waited!
I finally made it home and we heated up a couple of the wings, I had 2. So, I didn't really eat dinner. This morning I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for some coffee. I haven't been making coffee at night (I program it) because I haven't really been craving it most mornings lately. Today was not one of those days and I was running ever so slightly behind - shocker I know - so I opted for instant. Blah, I love coffee. Instant coffee doesn't even make it into my vocabulary. But these little packs were given to me, so I figured WTH? Why not.

To be honest - it wasn't bad. I wish I had this little frother, though, would have been much better. This one is on my bridal registry!!

I followed the instructions and measured out 6 ounces of water and heated it in the microwave.

Not too bad. It could pass in dire straits.....

When i got to work, I munched on some peach Chobani - my fav is still pineapple, it rocks! And some real coffee.....Ahhhhhh

Lunch was leftovers from yesterday. The best stuffed shells were better yesterday. They were good, but I think it was the sauce that i really loved and I ate most of that yesterday.....still good. And I actually ate the salad today! Go me!

I will probably find some chocolate for this afternoon and then I'm heading to the gym after work. The fiance' is making the steaks tonight. There will be martinis in my future and maybe a movie? or Wii? or both??? Who knows......
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