Will I ever get tired of yogurt for breakfast? I'm sure that I will, but it's a good way for me to get my calcium in and have a small(ish) breakfast for not a lot of calories. The pineapple will always be my favorite! Add some coffee and this was the perfect breakfast. Yumm.

I snacked on some strawberries and blueberries before lunch, I needed fruit in my life today. So thirst quenching.

Lunch was a simple ham and cheese sandwich and some carrots and tomatoes. Sometimes you just need to keep it simple, stupid......

Bagel thin love....

Can you believe that I had yogurt for breakfast on Tuesday??? OMG. I can't even imagine it.... (and an apple)

Leftover favas and pasta - really ugly dish, but so good. I should learn this recipe from my MIL. She cooks with great REAL ingredients. She's awesome. I mean it, she really is. Also had an orange and a mini Coke Zero - so cute!

Dinner was out at a bar while the fiancee and I watched the Flyers playoff game (and the Phillies...) I had the buffalo chicken salad (surprise...) and ranch dressing on the side. I also had a few beers, so instead of weighing in today, I'm putting it off until tomorrow.....The beer will be out of mu system by then! Do you feel bloated after a night out with a few adult beverages?? I do!
However, I'm feeling strong and a little bit leaner despite what that mean old scale is going to say! I'll find out tomorrow.... Also, the fiancee said that he can see a difference in my body and my face looks slimmer! Score! As long as he thinks I look good - that is motivation enough to keep the salad challenge going. Tonight I think he's grilling up something spectacular on the grill (depending on the thunderstorms) and I will promptly put it on top of a large salad.
I haven't been going to the gym regularly lately because I was doing so much exercise with the mulch, but today I'm headed back to the dreaded elliptical machine. It's time that we become friends again....
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