My entree was spicy rice noodles with veggies, shrimp and chicken. It was really good, not too spicy. The server kept asking me if I thought it was too spicy because I was downing water! But it was great. I also got full pretty quickly, so I have a lot of leftovers.
After dinner we headed to my old house (my old roommate makes invitations on the side) to pick our final draft for our wedding invitations. They rock! So nice, colors look great, style looks awesome, they are perfect. By the time we got home it was 10:30pm and I was exhausted! I hit the bed fast, I mean fast. My alarm went off at 5:15am I nearly threw it across the room. I re-set the alarm for 6:30am. There is no need to force a workout when you are so tired from a busy week. IMO, at least. I know I will monitor what I eat a little closer and try to get in some strong workouts this weekend to balance everything out.
Down off of soapbox....
I wasn't hungry for breakfast this morning, so I listened to this crazy body of mine and snacked on an apple and some coffee. Lunch was pretty spectacular. Chicken salad on an everything bagel thin with some carrots sticks. Plus some vitamin love. Slowly, but surely working my way through my fridge.
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