And why do my pictures of oatmeal always look so ugly? Other blogs have beautiful pictures of their oatmeal! Oh bother..... Maybe it's the lack of windows in my office? All artificial light? Hmmm....
Blackberry oats -
1/4 cup old fashion oatmeal
1 tsp. almond butter
6 or 7 blackberries
pinch of salt
We had some leftover shrimp from our poolside cookout on Sunday, so I attempted to recreate that awesome shrimp and goat cheese salad from the weekend. However, I didn't have any goat cheese. Trying to recreate a shrimp and goat cheese salad without goat cheese isn't an easy task. More like an impossible task! Nonetheless, the salad was good.

For dinner, we were going to grill a big ole steak and have some salad. But, I checked my coupon file (yes, I have a coupon file...) and I forgot about my free burger from Ruby Tuesday's! They sent me an email for a free burger for my birthday, so we changed our plans and headed to the mall.
I asked the waitress if I could order a turkey burger instead of a beef burger with the coupon and thankfully she agreed. I also added the salad bar because it's the best salad bar eva!
I loaded my plate with greens, ham, carrots, cheese, tomatoes, a little pasta salad, croutons and low fat ranch dressing.

My turkey burger came with endless fries, as in free refills - omg - we didn't get a refill, thank goodness! But their fries are addicting. The burger had onion, tomatoes and lettuce. And it came on a pretzel roll! Seriously? So good!
The fiancee ordered the steak and lobster, it was good, but I think my burger won! After dinner we headed to Verizon and AT&T. Neither of us are in cell phone contracts right now, so we're shopping around different companies. I want the iPhone & he does too, but he would settle for the Droid Incredible as well. I think Apple is about to unveil the 4G iPhone, so we might just wait a few months until the new version comes out.
I loaded my plate with greens, ham, carrots, cheese, tomatoes, a little pasta salad, croutons and low fat ranch dressing.
My turkey burger came with endless fries, as in free refills - omg - we didn't get a refill, thank goodness! But their fries are addicting. The burger had onion, tomatoes and lettuce. And it came on a pretzel roll! Seriously? So good!
We got home at 8:30pm and I was in bed at 9pm. And it felt wonderful!
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