Well hello there!! It's been a while - my mom was in town for a week and we got to spend some nice quality time together, so I decided to not blog while she was around. We don't get to see each other all that often, she lives in Atlanta, so it was a real treat that she was able to make the trip up to Yankeeville for my wedding shower!
The shower was a huge success! My mother in-law decided to host the party at her house - so convenient. There was a HUGE spread of delicious food and we ended up having around 60 people hanging out.
Here is my mom in-law and I

The food!

All of my girlfriends!

My Maid of Honor and mama

Cooking - getting ready for the party!

Brown Betty cupcakes - they rocked! I had the strawberry, the one with pink icing.

It was a great Sunday afternoon that last way into the night with lots of fun games, great food and even better company. I'm very grateful for all of my friends and family!
Now, let's get back to business....
Remember I mentioned that the fiancee and I ordered iPhones? Well, they came in yesterday! I'm still having issues getting my phone activated, (sigh....) but I can tell that I am going to love every little piece of this new technology. Hopefully I will have everything worked out by this afternoon. I feel a little anxious and nervous without a cell phone.....creepy.
Bye bye Blackberry. We had a good run. Hello beautiful iPhone!

Here is my laptop set up in my office at work (I have a desktop computer without iTunes....) trying to get iTunes to activate my phone....

Breakfast will help alleviate the stress. Didn't end up eating the grapefruit, but the pineapple and cherries were on point. Sweet and juicy.

After a crazy week full of entertaining mama and preparing for my bridal shower, we need a break! Luckily the in-laws shore house is open for the week. We will be frolicking in the ocean at the Jersey Shore (not THAT Jersey Shore...) for a few days. So, I packed up 4 days worth of lunch and brought it to work. This way I know that I have a healthy breakfast and lunch already prepared for the week. It also means that my meals will be a little monotonous. I apologize in advance.
Case in point, lunch of a turkey sandwich on Wonder Smart bread with some romaine lettuce, American cheese and spicy mustard. Add a side of carrots and cucumbers and you got yourself a healthy and balanced lunch, if not boring. But good.

I'll be back with a dinner of creepy crawlies from the ocean! Stay tuned!
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