Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pizza par-tay!

The fiance' has been sort of obsessed with making pizza lately. We never make our own crusts, though I would like to try one day. We use Pilsbury canned stuff. It's actually really good, but I would love a multigrain version. Anywho, dinner was spectacular. again.

I whipped up this doosie of salad. Romaine, cheddar, radishes and the very last of Annie' Goddess dressing. Before:
And after. This is the thick crust which is good, but I think I might like the thin crust better??? The thin isn't really thin, but really good. This pie was topped with mozzarella cheese (on the bottom) and then sauce on top with parm cheese sprinkles baked at 375 degrees for 20 minutes or so. The middle always seems a little soggy, I think we need a pizza stone. Good thing I registered for one!
The night was capped off with a glass of wine, American Idol (the boys suck) and Lost. What is going on there??

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